American Congress
Constitution and By-Laws
Article 1 – Name
The name of the organization shall be Pakistani American Congress.,
hereafter referred to as “PAC”.
Article 2 – Nature
PAC is a not-for-Profit, non-political, non-religious,
non-sectarian, socio-cultural organization.
Article 3 – Objectives
PAC pledges to strive for following objectives:
1. To help develop strong relationship between the governments and
the people of United States and Pakistan.
2. To preserve, protect, and foster the Pakistani culture and
heritage of the Pakistani community residing in the USA.
3. To promote, coordinate and conduct various activities, and
organize conventions and conferences for the advancement of the
interests of Pakistani Americans.
4. To build a communications network among Pakistani Americans and
their organizations nationwide, to coordinate their activities, and
to function as an information clearinghouse.
5. To develop resources of talent and expertise in order to help in
the overall development effort of Pakistan and the Pakistani
6. To foster friendship, understanding and cooperation between
Pakistanis and the American society at large and to promote and
enhance the image of Pakistani Americans.
Article 4 - Organizational Structure
The Pakistani American Congress will be comprised of:
1. Board of Directors
Every member organization will provide the names of three delegates
in good standing who will become Directors of PAC. All the Directors
combined will constitute the Board of Directors.
The duties of the Board of Directors
A. To nominate the members of the Executive Committee.
B. To participate in all functions held by the PAC on annual,
semi-annual or quarterly meetings.
C. To provide reports and photographs of their local events for PAC
web site.
2. Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees
out of candidates nominated by Members of Board of Directors for two
years term giving due consideration to fair regional representation.
It shall be comprised of:
A. President
B. President-Elect
C. Three Vice-Presidents
D. General Secretary
E. Treasurer
F. Information Secretary
A. President
The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer. He or She shall
have all powers and duties usually vested in the office of the
President and shall execute the decisions and resolutions of the
Executive Committee in adherence with the resolutions of the Board
of Trustees.
B. President-Elect
The President-Elect will serve as Senior Vice President. He or She
shall assume the duties of the President in case of his or her
absence, inability or unavailability to perform duties. The
President-Elect will assume the office of President upon the
expiration of the Term of the current President
C. Three Vice Presidents
The three Vice-Presidents shall perform their duties as follows:
a. Liaison of the member organizations
b. Youth Coordinator
c. Event Planning, coordination and program execution.
D. General Secretary
The General Secretary shall:
a. Give notices of all meetings of the EC to the respective members.
The meetings can be held by the physical presence of the members or
via tele-conference or via Skype.
b. Attend all the meetings of the EC and record all the proceedings.
c. Record or supervise the recording of the minutes of tall
d. Circulate the minutes of the meeting to the members of the
committee through emails within two weeks of the occurrence of the
E. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall:
a. Manage all the funds of PAC under the supervision of BOT.
b. Deposit the funds in such depositories as are designated by the
Board of Trusties.
c. Maintain all the financial records precisely and accurately.
d. Get the accounts audit yearly by an independent designated CPA.
e. Report the balance sheet to the Board in the annual meetings.
F. Information Secretary
a. Information Secretary shall work as a liaison between PAC and the
Pakistani American Media. Provide all the information duly
authorized by the Executive Committee.
b. Alert membership about biased and slanderous articles and news
items based on wrong information and respond appropriately if
necessary with the help of BOT.
3. Board of Trustees
This is the supreme body of the Pakistani American Congress. The
members of this board will be limited to 7 individuals. This board
will be comprised with members of the former advisory council. The
BOT may invite outstanding community members to serve on the board
with mutual consensus.
Chairman of the Board of Trusties
The Chairman will be elected by a simple majority of the
Trustees for the term of 5 years. He will preside over all the
meetings of the Board of Trustees.
Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees
The Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees will be elected by a
simple majority of the Trustees for the term of 5 years. He will
serve as Chairman in case of absence, or unavailability of Chairman.
Secretary will call the meetings of the Board of Trustees. The
meetings can be held by physical presence or through electronic
b: Prepare meetings'
c: Record the minutes
of the meetings
d: Issue
media advisories on PAC's affairs and PAC's positions on national
and international issues.
Rights and Responsibilities of Board of Trustees
a. To pick the suitable candidates out of nominations by members of
Board of Directors for various positions of Executive Committee.
b. To formulate the policies of PAC
c. To review the activities of the Executive Committee
d. To oversee the finances and get them audited yearly.
e. To resolve any disputes among the EC members. The Board of
Trustees will have veto power in such conflict resolutions.
f. The BOT will arrange to fill the seat vacated by the resignation
or removal of any executive. The newly appointed executive will stay
at the position until the end of present electoral term.
g. In the event of a tie vote on any matter, the Chairman will cast
the deciding vote.
h. The BOT will act as the legislative body and a think tank to
further uplift the PAC in its overall objectives.
Article 5 - Membership
Organizational Members: Organizations of Pakistani Americans shall
be eligible to become members of the PAC. One organization can
select two of its office holders as the Directors to represent in
Board of Directors of PAC. An organization shall have to satisfy the
following criteria in order to become eligible as a member:
a. It must be established and located in the USA.
b. It must have adopted and should function under a constitution and
or by laws.
c. It must be a not-for-profit organization.
d. It must subscribe to the objectives of the Pakistani American
e. It must agree to pay upon acceptance the membership dues.
f. It must have at least seven dues paying members.
g. It must not be connected with any political party.
h. Non-voting individuals can become members of the PAC with the
approval of BOT. A separate list of non-voting members will be
maintained. They will required to pay the annual dues like regular
Admission of Membership
An organization seeking membership in PAC shall submit an
application on the prescribed form along with the copies of the
following documents.
a. Constitution or By Laws
b. Current list of members and elected officers with their titles,
addresses and telephone numbers.
c. Copies off any published literature, newsletters or programs.
1. The application for the membership shall be reviewed by the EC
and submitted to the BOT for action.
2. Upon approval by BOT, the applicant shall deposit with the
Congress the membership dues.
3. The newly accepted member organization shall communicate to the
President the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the no more
than three of its representatives who shall serve as voting members
of the Board of Directors.
4. A member organization shall inform PAC of any and all relevant
changes immediately upon the change taking place.
Membership and Annual Dues
Following are the membership and annual dues to be paid by every
office holder. The dues must be paid within 3 months after the
annual convention or upon being sworn in as an n office holder of
PAC. Annual dues must be paid to the treasurer of PAC before
September 30th of every year.
1. President: $100
2. President-Elect: $100
3. Vice Presidents: $100
4. General Secretary: $100
5. Treasurer: $100
6. Information Secretary: $100
7. Chairman BOT: $100
8. V. Chairman BOT: $100
9. Trustees each: $100
Directors each: $100
Article – 6 Meetings
The meetings can be held by physical presence of the membership or
via tele-conference or via Skype.
1. The Executive Committee Meetings
The Executive Committee shall hold regular meetings
at least once a month at a convenient time and day to review the
activities of the last month or set the future tasks. In the annual
conference physical presence of members of BOT and EC is required.
2. Board of Trustees Meetings
The BOT shall hold regular meetings at least three times a year in
order to conduct the following business:
a. Review activities of Executive Committee since the last meeting.
b. Assess the financial status.
c. Consider policies and future plans, and
d. Transact any other business.
e. BOT can hold an emergency meeting to deal with EC internal
3. The Notice of the Meetings:
a. For a meeting of the EC, a one week notice shall be required.
b. For a meeting of the Board of Trustees, a one week notice shall
be required.
c. A Quorum for a meeting shall consist of the following: In case of
EC 51% of the membership shall constitute the Quorum, and in case of
BOT a 25% of the members shall constitute the quorum.
d. In case of EC, the General Secretary, and in case of BOT the Vice
Chairman can issue a notice of meeting.
Article – 7 PAC Electoral Procedure
The Pac will go through Electoral Procedure every two years for the
positions of President-Elect (who will automatically become
President at the expiration of the term of current president), three
Vice Presidents, General Secretary, Additional General Secretary,
Treasurer and Information Secretary.
Electoral Procedure:
1. The Chairman, in consultation with the BOT members, shall ask to
the members of Board of Directors for nominations of candidates for
all positions on prescribed forms, duly signed by the nominee and
the nominator.
2. The nominee shall be one of the official delegates eligible to
participate in the electoral procedure.
3. The Chairman will announce the dates for closer of receiving and
revoking nominations.
4. The Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees will call the Board
meeting to review all the nominations for all positions. The board
members will elect the office bearers with simple majority vote.
5. The Chairman of Board of Trustees will announce the results.
Article – 8 Revocations or Removal
1. Membership of an organization can be suspended or revoked if it
has been proven to be in violation of the Constitution of the PAC or
failing to fulfill the terms of the membership of PAC at any stage
and time.
2. The Board of Trustees shall determine if an organization is in
violation of the constitution of PAC or is in failure of fulfilling
the terms of the membership of PAC. The Board of Trustees decision
will be final.
Removal of EC or BOT member:
Membership in the EC and BOT may be terminated if a member acts
against the aims and objectives of PAC and its overall good
a. The complaint against any member of the Executive Committee or
Board of Trustees should be filed to the Chairman of the BOT. In
case, a complaint is received against the Chairman, the Vice
Chairman will preside over the proceedings as the Chairman.
b. The Chairman will call a meeting of BOT for this purpose only.
c. One week’s notice will be given for the meeting.
d. After BOT meeting is convened, the matter is put for discussion.
The accused member will have the opportunity to present his defense.
All Trustees present in the legally convened meeting should be
considered as the quorum for the meeting. In case of a unanimous
decision of the Trustees the membership of the accused be terminated
and he shall be notified by the Chairman that his membership in PAC
and his position in the EC of BOT is terminated.
Article – 9 Amendments to the Constitution
The PAC constitution may be amended by the following procedure:
1. The Chairman of BOT shall convene a meeting for this purpose
only, on his own initiative or by two third members of BOT written
2. Amendments shall be considered passed upon a Yes vote of the
two-thirds majority of the members.
3. The amended clause (s) shall become effective immediately after
the approval and the signature of the Chairman. The Chairman must
sign the approved amendment immediately.
4. The amendment (s) become part of the Constitution in (5) working
days after their passage, respective of the date of the signature of
the Chairman BOT.